Quick Tutorial: Interactive Routing


Learn how to utilize the interactive routing features in OrCAD PCB Designer Professional to accelerate the routing of complex PCB designs.

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Product Description

Quick Tutorial: Interactive Routing provides a brief overview of how to utilize the interactive routing features in OrCAD PCB Designer Professional to save time when routing complex boards.


There are only so many hours to your workday. With limited designer availability and stricter schedules, it is more important than ever to speed up your design process where you can. Routing dense, complex boards is a time-consuming process. However, with the interactive routing capabilities available in OrCAD, the routing process can be accelerated and shortened. OrCAD interactive routing capabilities provide engineers the advantage they need to complete routing with intelligent, guided automation. This quick tutorial is intended to provide step-by-step instructions on how to utilize interactive routing in OrCAD PCB Designer Professional.


Duration: 15 Minutes | Version Required: 17.4

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