Quick Tutorial: Fanouts and Vias


Learn how to use the advanced fanout and via capabilities of OrCAD PCB Designer Professional to save time and prevent errors in your PCB design.

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Product Description

Quick Tutorial: Fanouts and Vias teaches you how to use the fanout and via automation capabilities built into OrCAD PCB Designer Professional.


Time is of the essence when it comes to PCB Design. If you aren’t the first to market, your competitors surely will be. Fanouts and vias can be time consuming tasks if you’re not using the proper tools. OrCAD PCB Designer Professional simplifies fanouts and vias into just one command and step. In addition, with OrCAD’s constraint-driven approach to fanouts and vias, you can rest assured they are done quickly and correctly the first time. This quick tutorial is intended to provide step-by-step instructions on the capabilities of fanouts and vias in OrCAD PCB Designer Professional.


Duration: 15 minutes| Version Required: 17.4

See an overview of what you will learn here:

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