Quick Tutorial: Constraint Management


This advanced workshop is intended to provide step-by-step instructions on using the constraint manager in OrCAD PCB Designer Professional.

Product Description

Quick Tutorial: Constraint Management provides a brief introduction on using the constraint manager in OrCAD PCB Designer Professional.

With designs becoming more complex and project timelines shortening, it is essential to find ways to enhance the design process. Embedded rules and constraints communicate design intent more clearly and reduce chances for confusion amongst various project stakeholders. Constraint Manager for OrCAD helps to ensure design intent is adhered to throughout the PCB design process. The constraint manager in OrCAD PCB Designer Professional gives designers a fast and efficient process to embed constraints directly into the OrCAD platform.

Duration: 15 Minutes | Version Required: 17.4

The Quick Tutorial: Constraint Management Course Will Teach You:

  • How to use the constraint manager in OrCAD PCB Designer
  • How to route traces to avoid constraint violations
  • How to define constraints in OrCAD PCB Designer

See an overview of what you will learn here:

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