Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD)

CFD Analysis Challenges We Can Help You With

Key Requirements for Modern CFD Analysis

Your CFD solution should understand and support what is needed to meet the challenges for accurate, effective, and on-time CFD analysis.

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Quick & Accurate Mesh

Mesh creation can take up to 80% of the analysis process. Engineers need ways to generate the accurate, detailed meshes quickly to free up time for CFD analysis and optimization.

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Comprehensive & Automated Solver Support

Different applications, from Integrated circuits to large-scale CFD simulations, require specialized algorithms and solvers to ensure fast, accurate results. Modern CFD solutions need to support multiple solvers and be able to select the suitable solver for the job to keep the analysis process moving forward.


Fast Scalable Solving

CFD problem sizes are not shrinking, and neither are the bandwidth and resources required to perform the analysis. Your CFD solution must take advantage of the latest high-performance computing and parallelization capabilities to deliver mesh and solver solutions that scale with your needs.


Actionable Analysis

Performing CFD analysis can be time consuming. Once you do get results for analysis, being able to efficiently interpret and experiment with the results is key to driving the correct design decisions forward. Your CFD solution should not only focus on accurate results but give you ways to quickly test and optimize your design for optimal outcomes.


Post Processing & Reuse Built In

Once you have your results, it is critical that you can efficiently communicate your analysis outcomes and recommendations with your teams. Post-processing and reporting are key to enabling effective communication. When you need to revisit your analysis due to design changes or other factors, your simulation configuration should be easily reusable to save valuable setup time.


Accessible Multi-CAD Design Flows

Geometries for CFD analysis often come from many sources. Your CFD solution needs to be flexible enough to support multiple CAD formats and be able to efficiently modify and repair these models for accurate mesh generation and, ultimately, successful CFD simulation and analysis.

Industry and Application Driven CFD Design Flows

CFD for Electronics Cooling

Achieving efficient heat dissipation and maintaining optimal operating temperatures is crucial. Optimizing airflow patterns, heat sinks, and cooling strategies, CFD analysis ensures reliable performance of electronic components and aids in designing effective cooling solutions.

Our CFD Solutions Help You With:

  • Airflow Analysis: Analyze airflow patterns, velocity profiles, and temperature distributions to optimize component cooling.
  • Heat Sink Performance: Study heat sink designs and modifications for enhanced heat dissipation efficiency.
  • Fan Optimization: Evaluate fan placement, sizes, and airflow rates to achieve effective cooling and minimize noise levels.
  • Transient Heat Effects: Capture transient heat generation during start-up or load changes to assess dynamic temperature behavior.
  • Material Properties: Consider material conductivity and thermal properties of electronic components to model accurate heat transfer.
server rack cooling

CFD for Military & Aerospace

For effective military and aerospace Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) analysis it is required to ensure accurate assessments of aerodynamics, heat transfer, and engine performance. CFD analysis plays a pivotal role in optimizing flight characteristics, thermal management, and propulsion efficiency, contributing to the development of advanced defense and aerospace technologies.

Our Mil/Aero Solutions Help You With:

  • Aerodynamic Performance: Analyze lift, drag, and stability derivatives to optimize flight characteristics and control surfaces.
  • Heat Transfer Analysis: Evaluate thermal management solutions for re-entry, high-speed flight, and engine components.
  • Propulsion Efficiency: Study combustion and airflow in propulsion systems to enhance thrust, efficiency, and emissions control.
  • Shock Wave Behavior: Investigate shock wave interactions in supersonic and hypersonic regimes to avoid adverse effects.
  • Stealth and Signatures: Assess radar cross-section and other signatures to develop stealth technologies and reduce detectability.
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Accurate Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) analysis is essential in understanding fluid behavior within turbomachinery components. For meaningful insights, meticulous attention must be given to meshing strategies, turbulence modeling, boundary conditions, convergence criteria, and geometry preparation. These considerations, critical in handling complex geometries and flow interactions, empower engineers to optimize designs and enhance system efficiency. CFD solutions must be able to excel in all aspects to fully support accurate and effective modeling of Turbomachinery applications.

Our Turbomachinery Solutions Help You With:

  • Advanced Geometry Preparation: Accurately model intricate turbomachinery geometries and structures, including blade profiles and hub-to-tip variations.
  • Automated Meshing Strategies: Automatically select and combine suitable mesh types and sizes to capture boundary layers, gradients, and flow features effectively.
  • Accurate Turbulence Modeling: Define appropriate turbulence models based on Reynolds number and flow characteristics.
  • Advanced Boundary Condition Handling: Specify precise inlet, outlet, and periodic boundary conditions, aligning with real-world operations.
  • Scalable Convergence Criteria: Set convergence thresholds for residuals to ensure stable and reliable simulations. Scale simulation compute power as needed to maintain accuracy while still keeping simulation times manageable.
Celsius Thermal GUI convection model

CFD for Marine

Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) analysis for marine applications requires, capturing fluid behavior around ships and offshore structures demanding precise geometry modeling and attention to meshing strategies, turbulence modeling, boundary conditions, and validation. Unsteady phenomena due to waves and propeller effects must be accurately represented. Understanding hydrodynamic forces and their impact on vessel performance and environmental considerations is critical for informed design and operational decisions.

Our Marine CFD Solutions Help You With:

  • Advanced Geometry Modeling: Accurately represent complex hull forms, appendages, and propeller designs for reliable simulations.
  • Automated Meshing Strategies: Employ refined meshing techniques to capture wave effects, boundary layers, and flow features around the vessel.
  • Accurate Turbulence Modeling: Select appropriate turbulence models based on Reynolds number and flow characteristics to ensure accurate predictions.
  • Advanced Boundary Condition Handling: Define realistic inflow conditions, wave spectra, and vessel motions to replicate real-world scenarios.
  • Real-World Accuracy Validation and Verification: Compare CFD results that match experimental data or full-scale measurements to ensuring accuracy that what you simulated is what you build.
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CFD for Automotive & Mobility

With Automotive and mobility Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) analysis, precision in geometry is essential for accurate assessments of aerodynamics, flow interactions, and thermal management. Evaluating drag reduction, lift, downforce, and unsteady effects ensures optimal vehicle performance and efficiency. Through CFD analysis, the automotive industry gains insights that shape aerodynamic design, enhance energy efficiency, and refine passenger comfort.

Our Automotive & Mobility CFD Solutions Help You With:

  • Aerodynamics and Flow Interactions: Analyze interactions between vehicle components or marine structures and surrounding flow, considering cooling, drag, lift, and other aerodynamic effects.
  • Unsteady Effects: Capture unsteady phenomena like transient gusts, vehicle motions, wave interactions, or propeller-induced flows.
  • Thermal Management: Evaluate heat transfer and airflow for efficient cooling, cabin comfort, battery thermal control, or engine performance.
  • Drag Reduction and Lift Enhancement: Investigate strategies to minimize drag and enhance lift or downforce for improved vehicle stability and hydrodynamic performance.
  • Noise and Vibration: Address flow-induced noise and vibration to enhance passenger comfort, reduce aerodynamic noise, and refine vehicle/marine system design.
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CFD for Datacenter

In datacenter Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) analysis, optimizing thermal management and energy efficiency is paramount. Accurate geometry modeling, effective meshing, turbulence modeling, validation, and heat dissipation analysis are essential. These considerations enable the prediction of airflow patterns, temperature distribution, and pressure gradients to design efficient cooling solutions, prevent overheating, and ensure reliable operation within datacenter environments.

Our Datacenter CFD Solutions Help You With:

  • Cooling Efficiency: Analyze cooling strategies such as hot-aisle/cold-aisle containment, airflow management, and placement of cooling units.
  • Airflow Distribution: Study airflow patterns to identify recirculation zones, optimize server placement, and enhance cooling effectiveness.
  • Thermal Mapping: Generate temperature maps to locate hotspots, ensuring equipment operates within safe temperature limits.
  • Energy Optimization: Evaluate energy consumption of cooling systems and explore strategies for efficient cooling and reduced operational costs.
  • Future Planning: Predict cooling performance under different server loads and layouts, aiding in capacity planning and expansion decisions.
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