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Engineer’s Guide to Simulating Aeroacoustics

Aeroacoustics is the study of noise generation due to turbulent fluid motion or the interaction of aerodynamic forces with surfaces. It is a branch of acoustics that focuses on how aerodynamic sound is generated, propagated, and transmitted to the environment. This guide provides an in-depth exploration of the specific challenges

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Hot or Not? An Introduction to Electrical Thermal Co-Design

Learn why thermal analysis needs to be performed in the electrical domain and how to best navigate common nuances, pitfalls, and challenges of thermal design.
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Component Data Management

Determining and managing the contents of a component database can seem like an overwhelming task, so we’ve compiled our top 10 rules for Implementing an Optimized Component Data Management Environment.
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Book Cover: The Future- The Evolving Role of a PBC Designer

The Future: The Evolving Role of a PCB Designer

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System Analysis: What’s At Stake in System Design?

Learn about what's at stake in system designs with this e-book.
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Book Cover: Rules For Schematic Symbols

Rules for Schematic Symbols

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Book Cover: Stack-Up Strategy. Part 1: DFM Considerations

PCB Stack-Up Strategy: Part 2, DFM Considerations

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Book Cover: Stack-Up Strategy. Part 1: Cost Adders

PCB Stack-Up Strategy: Part 1, Cost Adders

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Book Cover: PCB Layout, Setup & Placement

PCB Layout: Steps for Successful Setup and Placement Processes

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Book Cover: Go Beyond the Waveform- Advanced Spice Analysis

Go Beyond the Waveform: Advanced Spice Analysis

An overview of how utilizing advanced SPICE simulation can solve complex design issues when change is easiest.
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EMA Design Automation