Make First-Pass Success The Norm, Not The Exception

Switch to OrCAD for less than the cost of your Altium subscription

Used by Market Shaping Companies


Tired of going through multiple design spins to fix issues your CAD software should have helped find in the first place? Concerned about your “all-in-one” package not having the capabilities needed to be competitive today and tomorrow? Done with ever-increasing prices and paying for inconsistent features you don’t need or want, all while critical bugs go unresolved?

Compare for Yourself

The OrCAD X scalable design environment gives you the ability to select the best price & feature mix that meets your needs today with the ability to seamlessly scale tomorrow. No new tools to learn. No translations.

  • Only pay for the features you need
  • Seamlessly add capabilities as you need them
  • No vendor cloud lock-in
  • Mix and match capabilities based on individual needs while still enabling IP sharing (designs, libraries, etc)
Features OrCAD X Standard Altium Designer OrCAD X Professional
Pricing Starting at $1k
As much as $5K annually
and rising
Starting at $2K
Schematic Design
PCB Layout & Routing
CAD Libs Included
Manufacturing Outputs
3D ECAD Design
STEP MCAD Integration
Real-Time Design Feedback
Flex Design
In-Design Analysis (Spice, SI)
High-Speed Design Rules & Routing
Shape Based Autorouting
Supply Chain Intelligence Pro Subscription
(Altium Cloud)
Change Management & Team Design Pro Subscription
(Altium Cloud)
Native SOLIDWORKS Integration Pro Subscription
(Altium Cloud)
Full Support | Partially Supported | Not Supported
Since switching to OrCAD now when I send my designs to fab, it always gets manufactured and is exactly what I asked for.
Vitaly Degryarov
President, Phantom Motion

Flexible Purchase Options

Everyone’s design needs and structure is unique. That is why we have the most flexible purchase models available to enable you to craft a solution that will maximize your budget while ensuring you can always get the right tool for the job now and in the future.

Purchase Your Way

Perpetual Purchase Options

Our perpetual option means you own the software. It won’t turn off on you and no features will be disabled if you don’t renew. It’s your choice to subscribe to our maintenance plans providing access to new features, unlimited live technical support, and more. If you need to drop support we are always happy to welcome you back as well.

Rental Options

Only need access to capabilities like simulation or highspeed routing for a short period? Use our EDA card to purchase capabilities you can leverage in short bursts (as short as 1 week) as needed.

Mix & Match

You can mix perpetual and rental licensing to best meet your needs and maximize your budget. 

Multi-User Licensing

All our licenses are multi-user meaning you can share access among as many users as needed (just one user running the software at a time per license). Get full usage of your software and reduce idle time with multi-user access.

Additional Customer Benefits

Take advantage of additional benefits like our Support+ program and the EMA Academy which are available to all users. No “extra level” of subscription required.

Key Capabilities

Real-Time Design

See what design could be like with instant feedback as you work. From constraint adherence, DFM rules, library, and supply chain updates to copper and shapes, all aspects of OrCAD are designed to give you feedback in real-time. Get the information you need to make the right design decision the first time, every time.

High-Speed Optimized

Designing high-speed interfaces takes special care. OrCAD provides the tools you need to tune, track, and complete these critical routes in your design. From real-time heads up display, to automated route guidance, and a complete set of hierarchical high-speed design rules, you can tackle your high-speed challenges with confidence.

DFM as You Design

DFM isn’t just something that happens at the end of your design. Designing WITH manufacturing in mind happens during the entire process. The real-time DFM checks and seamless ability to pass critical manufacturing data back and forth with your manufacturer at any stage of design makes prepping for manufaturing a sign-off process not a headache.

Supply Chain Insights

You never want your design delayed because parts couldn’t be procured. Leverage the integrated supply chain intelligence capabilities in OrCAD to ensure the parts you select will meet your functional, cost, and supply chain requirements upfront. Supply chain shortages may be unpredictable. That doesn’t mean you design process needs to be.

Simulation & Analysis Built-In

Simulation is a key tool for engineers to verify correct electrical function and quickly optimize designs before going to prototype. In-design analysis in OrCAD lets you perform SPICE and SI analysis seamlessly on your designs. With results available directly inside the design canvas, it’s easy to fix problems before you get to hardware.

Data Management On Your Terms

Keeping track of all your design data as it evolves is no simple task. OrCAD provides a complete set of tools to help you keep your designs on track. From revision control, change management, and libraries to IP reuse and release to manufacturing, OrCAD has you covered. Best of all, this does not require a propriety cloud environment or subscription lock-in to use. It’s your data, we are just keeping it organized.

Efficient Release to Manufacturing

Providing accurate and up-to-date files to manufacturers is essential in producing a successful PCB on the first pass. OrCAD X includes real-time, templated documentation creation and an efficient export to manufacturing process to ensure the latest PCB documentation is generated and delivered to manufacturing.

Streamlined Design Reviews

Performing design reviews are a critical step in the PCB design process but with adhoc methods information can be lost and misunderstood. OrCAD X streamlines the design review process with mark up capabilities allowing designers to review the design, make comments, tag coworkers, and embed the information directly into the design database for efficient collaboration.

Bi-Directional ECAD/MCAD Design

The decreasing size of mechanical housing and increasing complexity of PCBs heightens the need for collaboration between the electrical and mechanical teams. OrCAD X contains bi-directional integration between ECAD and MCAD designs, enhancing the collaboration between teams and efficiently communicating both baseline designs and updates.

Start The Next Phase of Your PCB Design Journey

Frequently Asked Questions

Yes! We have a full set of CAD translators included to convert your designs and libraries over as needed. Our team is here to help with this process as well to ensure you can hit the ground running.

OrCAD & Allegro share the same architecture and user interface providing an unparalleled level of flexibility and scalability. Teams using OrCAD can collaborate on files, libraries, IP, and more with those using Allegro seamlessly. The difference is the level of automation and advanced capabilities you can leverage within Allegro.

Absolutely. We have several training options available to you. From self-paced e-learning to virtual and on-site instructor led courses I’m sure there is a course for you. You can also check out our introductory walk-through meant to get new users acclimated quickly. You can learn more about our training options

That’s one of the great things about OrCAD. With its scalable architecture you can add capabilities as needed all while keeping the same file structure and data model, ensuring compatibility and IP reuse stays in intact while your design needs grow.

No. It is your choice. OrCAD X is architected to support cloud or on-premise deployment whatever your needs may be.

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EMA Design Automation