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How to Utilize Where Used Functionality in OrCAD CIP

Many of today’s electronic products leverage a company’s intellectual property, reusing known-good circuits and making modifications to accelerate the design process; however, with fluctuations in the supply chain and a rapid component lifecycle, ensuring all the components needed are available and purchasable can be time-consuming. With Where Used functionality in OrCAD CIP, you can easily identify every design a component is used in to easily identify and replace unavailable components.

This quick how-to will provide step-by-step instructions on how to use where used functionality in OrCAD CIP.

How-To Video

Open in New Window

Uploading a Bill of Materials

Step 1: Open the desired design in OrCAD X Capture CIS.

Note: The selected design must be completed with components found in your component database.

Step 2: Select CIP > Open CIP from the menu. If prompted, login with your username and password.

Step 3: To track where parts are used, Bills of Materials (BOMs) for projects must be uploaded. In CIP, select BOM > View/Import from the menu.

Step 4: Select the + icon to add a new BOM in CIP.

BOM Management in OrCAD CIP

Step 5: Add a Part Number for the BOM or select the auto-generate icon to fill in the field with the next available BOM number.

Step 6: Add a Revision for the BOM and any other desired information.

Step 7: Select the + icon to add the BOM with the defined part number.

Creating a BOM in OrCAD CIP

Step 8: Select Delimited for the BOM view. This will display a BOM with each part number shown on a single line where reference designators are shown as a comma separated list.

Note: Other BOM view options include:

  • Single: Each reference designator is shown on a single line.
  • Compact:  Each part number is shown on a single line where reference designators are shown as ranges or a comma separated list.

BOM views can be configured before or after import.

Step 9: In this interface you have the option to import the BOM from a CSV file or use a design. Select Import from DSN.

Step 10: The opened design is automatically selected in the BOM Import window. Select Import BOM.

Note: To successfully import a BOM from a design, all components must be found in your component database.

Importing a BOM in OrCAD CIP

Step 11: When BOM Import is complete, a pop-up window will appear. Click OK to close the window.

Identifying Obsolete Components

Step 12: Select CIS DB Search from the main CIP menu.

Configuring a Database Search in OrCAD CIP

Step 13: Select the drop-down list for Parametric Field and select Company Part Status.

Note: This can also be configured to search Manufacturer Part Number Status by selection Manufacturer PN Status from the Parametric Field drop-down list.

Step 14: Ensure Contains is selected as the Operator.

Step 15: In the Parameter field enter Obsolete.

Note: Additional search fields can be configured by selecting the + under the Add/Remove column.

Step 16: Select Search. The search returns any components listed as Obsolete within the Company Part Status field.

Where Used Functionality in OrCAD CIP

Identifying Obsolete Components in OrCAD CIP

Step 17: Select the part number for desired component from the search results to view additional details.

Where used functionality in OrCAD CIP identifies where components are used throughout your designs and BOMs.
Where Used in OrCAD CIP

Step 18: If this component is used in any designs, the number of BOMs the component is used in will be visible on the Where Used tab. Select the Where Used tab.

Note: To utilize the Where Used functionality, BOMs must be imported and managed within CIP.

Step 19: All designs and BOMs where the component is used are reported. Select the desired BOM Part Number to view the BOM.

Wrap Up & Next Steps

Easily identify every instance of a component’s use throughout all your designs with Where Used in OrCAD CIP.  Get more step-by-step instructions for OrCAD CIP at EMA Academy.

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