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How to Create a Digital Stimulus SPICE Model

Modern electronics could not exist without semiconductors and digital electronics but as electronics become faster and more complex, it’s essential to model realistic behavior to ensure design accuracy. To realistically simulate and analyze the functionality of digital circuits which include gates, flip-flops, and latches, an accurate digital source must be incorporated. Create a digital stimulus SPICE model to generate input signals that emulate the behavior of digital logic levels through a sequence of binary states (logic 0 and 1) based on specified timing and waveform characteristics. PSpice allows you to quickly create a digital stimulus SPICE model for accurate simulation of digital designs with a wizard-based approach.

This quick how-to will provide step-by-step instructions on how to create a digital stimulus SPICE model in PSpice using the Modeling Application.

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Open in New Window

Create a Digital Stimulus SPICE Model

Step 1: Open the provided design in PSpice 23.1 or above.

Note: A wizard-based approach to digital models is new in version 23.1. See other new features here.

Step 2: Select Place > PSpice Part > Modeling Application from the menu.

Step 3: In the Modeling Application, expand Sources.

Digital Stimulus Step4
Create a Digital Stimulus with the PSpice Modeling Application

Step 4: Select Digital Stimulus.

Step 5: The Digital Stimulus options window opens. Enter the following model parameters:

  • Number of Output Nodes: 1
  • Output High Voltage: 5
  • Output Resistance: 1
  • Output Low Voltage: 0

Note: Learn how to design a realistic digital stimulus here.

Create a digital stimulus SPICE model using a wizard-based approach with the modeling application in PSpice
Loading in a Stimulus File

Step 6: A digital stimulus SPICE model typically emulates a specific sequence of bits and therefore a text file is used to define the source. Select the ellipsis for Stimulus File to load in a file.

Digital Stimulus Step6Note

Note: The text file starts with the name of the signal as its header and consists of time stamps and the signal output at each time in tabular form.

Step 7: Browse to and select the provided D_ST_CLK.stl file. Click Open.

Step 8: Click Place.

Digital Stimulus Step9

Step 9: Click to place the stimulus on the bus in the schematic.

Note: A digital stimulus can have one or multiple outputs and must be placed on a bus.

Step 10: Select the Voltage/Level Marker button from the toolbar.

Digital Stimulus Step11
Placing Probes in PSpice

Step 11: Click to place probes on the CLK, DATA0, and DATA_OUT nets. Right-click and select End Mode when finished.

Running the Simulation

Step 12: Select PSpice > Run from the menu.

Digital Stimulus Step13

Step 13: View the simulation results. The output follows the input at each rising clock edge.

Step 14: Close the PSpice A/D window.

Modifying the Digital Stimulus SPICE Model

Step 15: Open File Explorer and browse to the working directory.

Step 16: Right-click the D_ST_CLK.stl file and select Open With. Open the file in a text editor such as Notepad.

Digital Stimulus Step16Note

Note: The stimulus file header contains the name of each signal. Below the header is a table showing the binary value of the signal at each time stamp.

Digital Stimulus Step17

Step 17: Adjust the time stamps such that the table appears as shown below.

Step 17 Table

Step 18: Back in Capture, select PSpice > Run from the menu.

Digital Stimulus Step20

Step 19: View the simulation results. The stimulus pulses and flip-flop output have been adjusted.

Wrap Up & Next Steps

Quickly create a digital stimulus SPICE model to accurately analyze your digital circuits with the PSpice Modeling Application. Upgrade to the latest 23.1 release or test out this feature and more with a free trial of OrCAD.

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EMA Design Automation