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Whiteboard Wednesdays: Best Practices for Schematic Layout

This episode of Wednesday will discuss how to create the most effective schematic design and review ways in which you can ensure your design intent is communicated effectively.

Whiteboard Wednesdays: Best Practices for Schematic Layout

Duration: 3:06

After developing the design specifications from the customer’s requirements, creating a schematic can seem daunting. So where should you begin? This episode of Wednesday will discuss how to create the most effective schematic design and review ways in which you can ensure your design intent is communicated effectively.

Learn more about how the manufacturing process affects the PCB design as well as best practices throughout the PCB design process with our e-book: The Hitchhiker’s Guide to PCB Design.

Be sure to check out some of our other Whiteboard Wednesday Sessions from the PCB Design Experts at EMA Design Automation:

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