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Remote Team Design with OrCAD

Learn how to collaborate with team members using OrCAD EDM and OrCAD CIP to reduce errors and streamline the PCB design process.

Remote Team Design with OrCAD

Duration: 6:37

With time-to-market windows shortening, design complexity increasing, and pressures to reduce costs rising, managing the PCB design process is more challenging than ever. These issues are multiplied when the design process incorporates multiple engineers across several locations. To improve collaboration and reduce errors, Design Data Management in OrCAD provides:

  • Real-time revision control
  • File management
  • An efficient new part introduction process
  • Access to vital supply chain information
  • Access to real-time part availability information

See how EMA Design Automation’s design data management solutions can help you reuse intellectual property, achieve efficient collaboration, and accelerate your design process with OrCAD CIP and OrCAD EDM.

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