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PSpice Simulation Tutorial: How to Ensure Proper Grounding in SPICE Simulations

Learn how to ensure proper grounding in your SPICE simulations to efficiently analyze circuit behavior in PSpice.

PSpice Simulation Tutorial: How to Ensure Proper Grounding in SPICE Simulations

Duration: 00:05:38

In SPICE simulations, grounding is critical to achieve a successful simulation and analysis of circuit behavior. Sometimes, a Floating Node Error can occur indicating that there is no DC path to ground for the specified node. This can be caused by:

  • Missing ground
  • Isolating a node from ground

In this video, we’ll show you how to ensure proper grounding and eliminate floating nodes during SPICE simulations with PSpice. PSpice is the industry-leading SPICE analysis tool allowing you to efficiently analyze and optimize your electronic circuits during the schematic design.

Follow along with these demo files: https://www.ema-eda.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/09/2024PSpiceTutorial_Grounding.zip

Don’t have PSpice? Get your free trial here.

This video is part of the PSpice Simulation Tutorial series:

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