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EDABuilder Overview

EDABuilder accelerates symbol, footprint, and 3D model creation and verification to produce accurate component libraries quickly.

EDABuilder Overview

Duration: 3:00

Build accurate symbols, footprints, and 3D models in a fraction of the time. EDABuilder contains advanced functionality to aid in component model creation, including:

  • Advanced PDF Extraction of BGA Maps, SOIC Tables, Pin Tables, and more
  • Automated symbol pin assignment based on rules
  • Automated Data and Model Validation
  • Template-Based Footprint Creation
  • Intuitive, Calculator-Driven UI for Footprint Modification
  • 3D Model Generation Based on Actual Footprint Dimensions
  • Style Templates to Create Consistency

With EDABuilder, you can streamline library creation- creating the component models you need quickly while ensuring accuracy between symbols and footprints.

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