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CIP Compliance Overview

Mitigate component risk and ensure supply chain resiliency throughout your PCB designs by analyzing comprehensive supply chain information directly in OrCAD with the CIP Compliance Module.

CIP Compliance Overview

Duration: 2:24

With the volatile supply chain for electrical components, it’s common to encounter difficulties sourcing the parts you need for your PCB designs. Component shortages, obsolescence, and delayed availability can have detrimental effects on your project and result in sourcing alternate components, late-stage design modifications, or missed time-to-market goals. To keep your design on-track, it’s important to review real-time supply chain information including:

  • Overall Risk
  • Part Lifecycle Data
  • Multi-Sourcing Information
  • Compliance Certificates
  • Inventory Data
  • Resiliency Ratings

CIP Compliance Module powered by SiliconExpert allows designers to bring this real-time supply chain data and intelligence into the schematic design process to ensure successful component procurement and reduce the time and money spent on design re-spins caused by BOM rejection. Learn more about configuring and managing a centralized, supply chain integrated component data management solution with OrCAD CIP.

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