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TimingDesigner – Ensuring Fast, Accurate, and Traceable Documentation for Your Critical Interfaces

Duration: 47:12

While never “fun”, a key component of any design phase is documenting your product specs and requirements. This is even more important for safety and mission critical products. Often this documentation is built up from scratch outside the CAD environment used to design and specify the product. This often leads to errors, in-accuracy, and lost time re-creating and updating timing diagrams. In this session of the TimingDesigner webinar series learn from the experts at EMA how TimingDesigner enables an automated documentation process for your critical timing interfaces.

To view slides, click here.

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TimingDesigner – Ensuring Fast, Accurate, and Traceable Documentation for Your Critical Interfaces

While never “fun”, a key component of any design phase is documenting your product specs and requirements. This is even more important for safety and mission critical products. Often this documentation is built up from scratch outside the CAD environment used to design and specify the product. This often leads to errors, in-accuracy, and lost time re-creating and updating timing diagrams. In this session of the TimingDesigner webinar series learn from the experts at EMA how TimingDesigner enables an automated documentation process for your critical timing interfaces.

To view slides, click here.

Duration: 47:12

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