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Supply Chain Driven Design: How to Survive & Thrive When Supply Chains are in Chaos

Duration: 41:42

It is not news anymore that the electronics supply chain has and continues to be in turmoil. As supply chain predictability becomes virtually unpredictable the impacts on the design process are being felt across all industries. With 52 week lead times and low part stocks becoming the norm, how are designers supposed to manage? While these issues are definitely a challenge for every designer to overcome they can also be an opportunity. If you can navigate this environment and build supply chain resilience into your design process everyone’s nightmare becomes your competitive advantage. Join the experts at EMA and Silicon Expert as they provide an overview of the current supply chain challenges, what they mean for electronics and how you can make supply chain resilience an inherent part of your design process. 

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Supply Chain Driven Design: How to Survive & Thrive When Supply Chains are in Chaos

It is not news anymore that the electronics supply chain has and continues to be in turmoil. As supply chain predictability becomes virtually unpredictable the impacts on the design process are being felt across all industries. With 52 week lead times and low part stocks becoming the norm, how are designers supposed to manage? While these issues are definitely a challenge for every designer to overcome they can also be an opportunity. If you can navigate this environment and build supply chain resilience into your design process everyone’s nightmare becomes your competitive advantage. Join the experts at EMA and Silicon Expert as they provide an overview of the current supply chain challenges, what they mean for electronics and how you can make supply chain resilience an inherent part of your design process. 

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Duration: 41:42

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