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On-Demand Webinar: Designing for RF – Tips and Tricks from the Pros

Duration: 46:51

It seems almost every product these days needs to have some level of connectivity be it for end user access on their smart phone, connecting with other similar devices, or providing diagnostic data for real-time health monitoring. What all these requirements have in common is you now have RF sensitive circuits that you need to manage. Learn some quick tips and tricks to help you design and manage RF circuitry in your PCBs.

What You Will Learn

  • Best practices to use when designing with RF signals
  • Common RF design pitfalls and how to avoid them
  • Questions you should ask when working on RF circuits
  • Strategies to mitigate RF interference and when to use them

Want the slides? Download them here (note: check the notes for additional details and tips from the live session)

About the Presenters


On-Demand Webinar: Designing for RF – Tips and Tricks from the Pros

It seems almost every product these days needs to have some level of connectivity be it for end user access on their smart phone, connecting with other similar devices, or providing diagnostic data for real-time health monitoring. What all these requirements have in common is you now have RF sensitive circuits that you need to manage. Learn some quick tips and tricks to help you design and manage RF circuitry in your PCBs.

What You Will Learn

  • Best practices to use when designing with RF signals
  • Common RF design pitfalls and how to avoid them
  • Questions you should ask when working on RF circuits
  • Strategies to mitigate RF interference and when to use them

Want the slides? Download them here (note: check the notes for additional details and tips from the live session)

Duration: 46:51

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