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Bring Wire and Harness Design into the 2020’s!

Duration: 57 minutes

Are you tired of designing wire harness electrical designs like it’s still 1990, when copy/paste was a game changer?  Manual disconnected documents make Electrical design tedious and error prone.  Reduce the tedium, increase productivity by 100% and improve time to market with a modern, integrated design process! In this webinar we will cover how to integrate PCB designs with the Electrical Wire harness project, generate the manufacturing documentation, easily make changes and regenerate the doc package. 

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Bring Wire and Harness Design into the 2020’s!

Are you tired of designing wire harness electrical designs like it’s still 1990, when copy/paste was a game changer?  Manual disconnected documents make Electrical design tedious and error prone.  Reduce the tedium, increase productivity by 100% and improve time to market with a modern, integrated design process! In this webinar we will cover how to integrate PCB designs with the Electrical Wire harness project, generate the manufacturing documentation, easily make changes and regenerate the doc package. 

Duration: 57 minutes

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