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Automated PCB Schematic Review & Debug – Designing for Reliability with BQR and OrCAD

Duration: 48 minutes

Who wouldn’t want to identify potential design errors and reliability problems earlier rather than later? The challenge for many is the time required to manually perform debug and reliability analysis on their designs (especially when things are going to change anyway…they always do). As a result this leaves critical analysis to be performed late in the design cycle when the cost of change is the highest. What design teams need is an automated way to scan their designs for electrical and stress issues early so they can be avoided, and subsequent changes can quickly be evaluated for their impact.

Join EMA and the reliability experts at BQR to see how to make early and automated electrical and stress analysis an inherent part of your design process and avoid the late stage scrambles to fix issues.

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Automated PCB Schematic Review & Debug – Designing for Reliability with BQR and OrCAD

Who wouldn’t want to identify potential design errors and reliability problems earlier rather than later? The challenge for many is the time required to manually perform debug and reliability analysis on their designs (especially when things are going to change anyway…they always do). As a result this leaves critical analysis to be performed late in the design cycle when the cost of change is the highest. What design teams need is an automated way to scan their designs for electrical and stress issues early so they can be avoided, and subsequent changes can quickly be evaluated for their impact.

Join EMA and the reliability experts at BQR to see how to make early and automated electrical and stress analysis an inherent part of your design process and avoid the late stage scrambles to fix issues.

Duration: 48 minutes

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