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A Dive into DDR5: An Engineers Guide to Simulating and Validating the Latest Generation of DDR

Duration: 45 minutes

DDR5 represents a significant performance improvement to the DDR interface over DDR4 with data transfer rates going from 3200 MT/s to as much as 8400 MT/s according to the JEDEC spec. With this increased performance comes architectural changes that must be understood to effectively design and leverage these next generation memory devices. These changes also require updated simulation techniques and methodologies to ensure accurate and effective characterization of the DDR5 interface. Join us to learn from an industry professional how to upgrade your designs with DDR5 and simulate for success.

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A Dive into DDR5: An Engineers Guide to Simulating and Validating the Latest Generation of DDR

DDR5 represents a significant performance improvement to the DDR interface over DDR4 with data transfer rates going from 3200 MT/s to as much as 8400 MT/s according to the JEDEC spec. With this increased performance comes architectural changes that must be understood to effectively design and leverage these next generation memory devices. These changes also require updated simulation techniques and methodologies to ensure accurate and effective characterization of the DDR5 interface. Join us to learn from an industry professional how to upgrade your designs with DDR5 and simulate for success.

Duration: 45 minutes

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