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The Future: The Evolving Role of a PCB Designer

The term engineer has evolved from a narrowly defined occupation of constructing or operating military equipment, which dates to the Middle Ages in Europe, to a broader classification across industries of professionals tasked with the transformation of ideas and/or plans into tangible products or implementable actions. And for complex engineering processes, such as designing electronic circuit boards, several engineers with specific roles were often required. However, technological advancements are shifting the future scope of PCB designing, as well as the range of skills engineers need to create boards to meet the ever-increasing demands of today’s and tomorrow’s electronics-based products.  

This eBook answers the following questions:

  • Why is it important for PCB designer qualifications to include knowledge of all aspects of the design process? 
  • What are the technologies that have and will most impact the role of PCB designers? 
  • What effect may 3D printing have on the circuit board design process in the future?
  • Why is it important to embrace the convergence of ECAD and MCAD co-design?
  • How automation has and will continue to transform the PCB design process?

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