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10 Common Design for Manufacturing (DFM) Issues and How to Solve Them

Virtually all stakeholders in the business of creating electronic circuit boards, have heard of white-box manufacturing, which promotes transparency and improved cooperation between designers and manufacturers. This collaborative approach to PCB development seeks to improve the efficiency of the design⇒build⇒test cycle and avoid costly redesign and/or respins. How well you target and avoid key design for manufacturing or DFM issues, which can delay or prevent fabrication and/or assembly, directly determines your ability to optimize the PCB development process, meet schedule deadlines, and maximize design and development ROI. 

This eBook answers the following questions:

  • What are the most common DFM issues that manufacturers see?
  • When and how do I check for DFM issues?
  • How do I fix identified problems during design that may delay or halt manufacturing? 
  • Why use of In-Design DFM checking with OrCAD X will accelerate your design and verification for manufacturability and significantly improve design-to-production time.

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