With the 16.6 PSpice release, you now have a new AES 256-bit encryption algorithm. This makes the encryption utility of PSpice and the Model Editor both faster and more robust. You will still be able to decrypt models encrypted using the DES algorithm available in earlier releases. Both used-defined and multi-command line modes are supported.
User-Defined Encryption
Set the environment variable CDS_PSPICE_ENCKEYS with a value that points to a .csv file which contains the , , pairs.
Command-Line Usage
The PSpiceEnc command now has a new option to specify modes. The syntax being mode or Mode , where n can be 0, 2, or 3 as described below:
PSpiceEnc [-e/E | -i/I | -n/N | -p/P] [-mode ] inputFilePath outputFilePath
0: Uses the prior 16.5 Encryption scheme.
2: Uses DES Encryption with advanced data security (available in 16.5).
3: Uses AES Encryption. This is the default for 16.6 and later releases.
Please share your experiences using these capabilities.
Jerry “GenPart” Grzenia