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What’s Good About PSpice IBIS Model Support? It’s in the 16.6 Release!

PSpice 16.6 now provides IBIS model simulation capability. This often requested feature supports:


  • SPICE circuit generation for all IBIS versions
  • Support for V-T curves
  • Analog simulation of XNets (use Advanced Analysis tools for smoke analysis on bypass components)



Converting IBIS to PSpice

The Model Editor now supports all versions of IBIS for V-T curves.



Invoke Modeled.exe.

Invoke the IBIS converter from the menu Model > IBIS Translator.

Browse to DatabaseIBISImportepcs64.ibs:

Click OK to generate PSpice Model.


Simulate Nets with SI Models

PSpice allows you to simulate nets with SI Model assignments in PSpice. Consider the following example circuit:

Select a design from Project Manager and invoke the library setup. Ensure the library setup is correct:


Select pins U1A.16 and U1B.11 and select RMB > Signal Integrity >Assign SI Model:

Assign any output model to the pin:

Open a TCL Command Window in Capture from the menu View > Command Window.

Type in the following TCL command to activate the IBIS netlisting -SetOptionString IBIS_PINS_NETLIST TRUE

Next, source a TCL file from your hierarchy –
source {$CDSROOTpspicetclscriptsIbisToPSpicetclibisnetlist.tcl}

Create a transient simulation profile Tran.


Generate the PSpice Netlist from IBIS by executing the following command –

Run the PSpice Simulation.

Plot V(Mynet).

Create new measurement:

Launch AA for Sensitivity analysis from Capture.

Import measurement.

In the AA TCL Window, enter the following command –
source { databaseSimulatingSIPspAAProcessDesign.tcl}


Run Sensitivity Analysis.

I look forward to your comments about how you’re using these new capabilities!

Jerry “GenPart” Grzenia

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