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Gadget of the Month: Brixo-Building Blocks Meet Electricity and IoT

For those that are new to this series, Arrow has recently teamed up with Cadence to provide integrated design tools to engineers, creating an accelerated path for new product development and the ability to bring products to market faster and cheaper. In addition to the collaboration with Cadence, Arrow has also partnered with INDIEGOGO, a website where startups and entrepreneurs can receive funding from the public for their products. With the formation of these powerhouse partnerships, we decided to feature startups and small tech companies within INDIEGOGO on our blog each month.


For April, the Gadget of the Month is Brixo- building blocks (similar to legos) that use motors, and electronic sensors to let you safely conduct electricity and bring your designs to life through an app on your phone. 


One of the best parts when purchasing Brixo building blocks, is the fact that you don’t need to buy a whole new set! These can be used interchangeably with your favorite building blocks (Legos, Mega Bloks), creating designs and bringing your ideas to life. These blocks are separated into 3 types: Trigger Block, Connecter Block, and Action Block. The Connector Blocks are constructed out of chrome, and connect the Trigger blocks to the action blocks. Trigger Blocks respond with an action to sounds, lights, or having another brick near it without additional wiring. Also, this specific block can be triggered by anything using IoT and IFTTT. And last but not least, the Action block. These blocks can light up, spin, move, and take action.


One of the best parts of Brixo is that the blocks were built with Bluetooth, so they can be used with your phone, smartwatch, Raspberry Pi, Arduino, and pretty much anything Bluetooth enabled. So now you can enable your design from anywhere that has Bluetooh!


These blocks would be great for kids and adults alike, helping you fuel your creativity with technology. These building blocks are safe chemically, physically, and electrically, and are coated in chrome, a non-toxic metal to ensure safety. If you want to purchase your own kit, Brixo has special prices on their Indiegogo campaign page before the retail price is installed. Currently, Brixo has already been shipping their kits to customers, and are only selling kits at a special price on their Indiegogo campaign site before their retail price sets in.


Want to purchase your Brixo building blocks and learn more about what they can do? Click Here to visit Indiegogo’s website to learn more.


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