Capture Walk-through 1: Starting a Schematic

This walk-through introduces you to OrCAD Capture 17.4 and demonstrates how to create a new schematic project. After you complete this topic, you will be able to: 

  • Open Capture 17.4 and create a new project 
  • Edit design, template, and title block preferences 
  • Add a new library file to your project   
Open in New Window
  1. Open OrCAD Capture.  

Note: You can locate your OrCAD software by going to the Start Menu > Cadence PCB 17.4-2019 > Capture CIS 17.4.  

Graphical user interface, application

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  1. Select File > New > Project from the menu or click on New Project in the Start page.  
Graphical user interface, application

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  1. Add a Name (Capture Tutorial) for your project. 
  1. Click the Ellipsis button to browse for the location to save. Click OK
Graphical user interface, application, Word

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  1. Select Options > Preferences from the menu.  

Note: In the preference dialog window, you can modify settings for colors, grid, pan and zoom, text, and other miscellaneous settings.  

Graphical user interface

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New in 17.4 is the ability to configure a light or dark color scheme for the application and canvas. Changes to the application theme will be applied after restarting Capture.  

  1. Close the Preferences Window. 
  1. Select Options > Design Template from the menu.  

Note: The Design Template window, you can select page size, grid reference, and enter title block information. 

  1. Select the Title Block tab. 
Graphical user interface, application, Word

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  1. Add the required information and set TitleBlock as the Title Block Name.  

Note: Adding this information here will automatically populate the title blocks on any new pages.  

  1. Click OK to close the Design Template Window. 
  1. Select File > New > Library from the menu.  
Graphical user interface, application

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  1. Right click on the library and select Save As.  

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  1. Browse to the standard path for symbol libraries (C:\Cadence\SPB_17.4\tools\capture\library) and save the library as CaptureTutorial.OLB
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EMA Design Automation