Electrical Rule Checking Workshop Overview

In high-speed designs, signal quality is crucial to design performance. Impedance discontinuities, unintended coupling, and inconsistent references can create noise and result in poor functionality and signal quality.

In the Electrical Rule Checking workshop, you will learn how to:

  • Analyze the impedance, coupling, and references in the design to improve signal integrity
  • Configure and merge net groups
  • Configure simulation settings
  • Run simulations
  • Create DDR net groups
  • View violations
  • Generate a report to analyze electrical rule check results

Lessons in the Electrical Rule Checking workshop are comprised of:

  • An interactive presentation for in-depth, self-paced learning
  • A video demonstration showing you how to implement these skills
  • An interactive demonstration for hands-on experience and practice with electrical rule checking
  • Quizzes to test your comprehension and retention of the newly learned topics

Learn how to use the ERC workflow in Sigrity to analyze the impedance, coupling, and references in the design and improve signal integrity with this Electrical Rule Checking Workshop.

EMA Design Automation